3 ways to turn marketing into revenue for tourism operators

3 ways to turn marketing into revenue for tourism operators

3 ways to turn marketing into revenue for tourism operators

Your marketing costs likely represent one of the largest portions of your tour and activity company’s budget. Marketing is a worthwhile investment, but it doesn’t have to drain all of your revenue. In fact, there are many ways that you can transform your marketing content into a revenue stream rather than a cost centre. Here’s 3 ways to turn marketing into revenue for tourism operators.

Sell your blog posts to a destination marketing organization

The blog content that you generate for your brand goes beyond promoting the tours and activities that you offer. In most cases, your blog posts are likely about your destination as a whole, or they offer different tips for travelers to fully enjoy their experience. This type of evergreen content that applies to a wide audience can easily be sold to a destination marketing organization, who will want to bolster their own blogs and social pages with accurate, relevant content. With this approach, you can be a tour operator who also is a freelance content writer, and you can easily generate significant revenue that can help you build up your brand identity throughout the industry.

Use marketing tools to generate revenue from visual content

As a tour and activity operator, you know that visual content is the most-effective way to engage your target audience. High-resolution photographs and videos help showcase your brand and offer social proof of your experience. But did you know that marketing tools exist that can help you profit from this same content? Stackla, for example, can be used to help you repurpose this digital content to receive a chargeback. Another marketing tool that can help you create a revenue stream from your visual content is iStock. Ultimately, people and organizations are willing to pay to have access to visual content that has an impact.

Become a social influencer using brand content

Another way to transform your marketing strategy into a revenue-generating machine is to become a social influencer. In all likelihood, your tour and activity Instagram page and Facebook profile have a significant number of followers. These followers trust you, and consider you to be an industry resource and an expert in your local destination. By partnering with other travel-related brands in the area, such as hotels or restaurants, you can become an influencer who gets paid to post about other things to do in your region. Social influencing can have a big payout, depending on the number of followers that you have. It would be worthwhile to consider a partnership with other travel businesses in the area.

By transforming your marketing content into a revenue generator, you can help keep your business afloat during the slow season. Focusing on your content marketing strategy during the low travel season is an easy way to increase your income during these quiet months, which can then be invested in your business to help your brand grow during the next peak season.

If you enjoyed these 3 ways to turn marketing into revenue for tourism operators follow the Rezdy blog. There are a lot of marketing tools and resources designed with businesses like yours in mind.

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Image credit: Ramiro Mendes